Chief Communications Officers and Communications Directors have a 360-degree view of what's happening both inside and outside the organization, and bring the perspectives of context and environment to important conversations.
They're strategists
Communications is no longer limited to Public Relations. Comms heads are key strategists, and are rightly consulted as decision makers and problem solvers within the organization. Their day-to-day thinking processes revolve around maximizing opportunities and minimizing risk.
They're plugged in 24/7
They continuously monitor the external environment are engaged in social media listening. They have their finger on the pulse when it comes to what your donors, members, and visitors are watching, reading, and hearing. They track social media trends, know journalists' beats and preferences, and even get an occasional heads-up on an impending story about your industry.
They're one step ahead
Comms heads have their eyes on the horizon and are thinking one step ahead. Their in-depth knowledge of your organization's plans and activities and their frontline positions during times of change or disruption make them essential counselors to leadership.
They’re visual thinkers
In today’s highly visual and attention-span challenged world, they know how to use the power of images to communicate ideas, tell stories, and create impressions.
They can help you clarify
As experienced writers and editors, CCOs and Communications Directors are under the gun to get the facts, get details right, and zero in on what's most important. They ask questions. They're skilled at separating the merely interesting from the important, which helps clarify priorities, identify potential problems, and clear a path toward solutions.
Time and information are the coins of the realm for Comms heads. Include them at the table, keep them informed, and give them runway. You'll be better positioned to avoid reputational risks and increase your chances of staying ahead of the game.
Photo: Christina Wocintech